Friday, August 07, 2009

NAGASATRIA preview pages

Above are 4 pages preview of my new upcoming, the first publication comic book NAGASATRIA, and it just got fund from MDEC. Thank you again MDEC for the grant. The pages above need to be redo again, since this will be my first book... I'll make sure all the pages are in good quality. I'm working hard on the pages right now. I need to make sure 50 pages full color finish by end of this year but for sure not enough to tell the whole story. But the book will be more than 60 pages. All the pages are done on paper and color in photoshop. Lucky for me, most of the pages contain not more than 4 panel in a wide screen format page... so I enough time for me to finish it by end of this year. I'll share with you some of the character/concept art later.

Kat sini brader share 4 page preview mukasurat comic pertama brader iaitu NAGASATRI yang baru je dapat grant dari MDEC. Terima kasih bebanyak untuk MDEC. Comic preview ni akan brader cuba buat balik untuk mendapatkan quality yang bagus, maklum la... bakal buku pertama brader. Jadi brader perlu siapkan 50 mukasurat berwarna sehingga akhir tahun ni. Walau pun begitu, brader rasa tak cukup untuk menceritakan apa yang berlaku dalam komik ni. Jadi untuk versi print, brader akan pastikan ianya lebih dari 60 mukasurat berwarna. Nasib baik masa pitch brader propose format wide screen yang tak lebih dari 4 panel 1 mukasurat. Jadi rasanya boleh kejar dateline la camni. Brader akan share character/concept art kemudian.

Monday, August 03, 2009

GOOD NEWS part 2

Cover for 'NAGASATRIA PREVIEW', a wide screen format with full color and black white preview art.

'NAGASATRIA PREVIEW' contains comic previews and a few concept art.

Good news for my online comic 'DARKSHADOW', I have been chosen as one of ten winner from 20 finalist in MDEC Intellectual Property Creator Challenge Series - digital interactive comic pitch to grab RM20,000 to produce a series of comic. So on 30 july 2009 was the pitching day, and I brought my 'DARKSHADOW' sequel entitled 'NAGASATRIA' for that day. They are (20 finalist) all the best, and I was lucky, my presentation has been chosen as one of the 10 winner. This is my first time entering an art competition. But I don't see this as a competition but a pitch. So, the grant will be use to publish my full color limited edition comic. So, I have to finish 'NAGASATRIA' in 6 month but for those of you who cannot wait, just read my 'NAGASATRIA' prequel, 'DARKSHADOW' online for free. The book will be on sale online and never sold anywhere except at a special booth at any local comic convention. I produced 10 preview books for the pitching day, 4 for the juries and the rest were sold for 10 ringgit (Just sold out right after my pitch session). So, no more in my hand.

Berita baik untuk brader punya comic online 'DARKSHADOW', brader telah terpilih salah sorang dari 10 pemenang grant dari 20 finalist yang menyertai MDEC Intellectual Property Creator Challenge Series - digital interactive comic pitch untuk mendapatkan grant sebanyak  RM20,000. Masa pitching day tu brader bawak sequel 'DARKSHADOW' iaitu 'NAGASATRIA' sebagai bahan presentation, dan Alhamdulillah, brader terpilih sebagai salah sorang pemenang. Ni la pertama kali brader masuk pertandingan, tapi brader tak anggap ni sebagai pertandingan sebab ianya adalah pitching day. Brader dan lukis komik hampir 20 tahun tapi takde buku sebagai portfolio, ni la peluang brader untuk menghasilkan sebuah buku. Jadi duit grant ni brader akan gunakan untuk terbitkan buku komik secara edesi terhad penuh warna dan brader terpaksa menyiapkannya dalam jangka masa 6 bulan ni. Jadi sesapa yang tak sabar tu boleh la mengikuti komik online brader dulu ye. Cerita tu memang ada kaitan, versi buku akan dijual secara online saja dan juga kat meja jualan kat memana comic convention tempatan. Masa pitching day tu brader dah sediakan 10 bijik buku preview 'NAGASATRIA' untuk presentation. 4 untuk juri, selebihnya terjual sehabis saja sesi pitching brader. Semuanya dia beli RM10 satu buku oleh pemerhati dari industri creative luar sana. Jadik takde satu pun yang tinggal kat brader.

GOOD NEWS part 1

My Xbox 360's box

Hey... it's has been more than a months since my last post here. Well, so busy with my day job... and it effects to my online comic 'DARKSHADOW' as well. But don't worry, more than five pages are ready to color and once they are ready, I'll post them here. Just stay tune. Only one thing I want to share with you here is... I got a new Xbox 360... yeahoooo. But don't fear, I'm not a video game addict so I'm still can manage my schedule. Yea... I need this console just to make sure my creativity always fresh and up to date.

Huih! Lama gak brader tak update blog ni, sibuk sangat ngan keja opis sampai tak tak sempat nak upload panel 'DARKSHADOW' yang seterusnya. Tapi jangan risau dah ada lebih dari lima mukasurat dalam tangan, tinggal nak kaler je. Bila siap je brader akan terus post kat blog ni. Mungkin lama tapi brader nak make sure artwork tu berkualiti. Haa... brader dah tangkap satu Xbox 360 untuk menjana kreativity brader yang makin berkarat ni. Nasib baik brader bukan kaki tegar video game, cuma main masa lapang je. Banyak menda brader dapat dengan video game ini, yang berkaitan dengan keja brader la.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


FINALLY! After a long delay... a comic series I'm creating for online reading are ready to read. It's free and will update a panel every week. If my schedule too busy... it will be a panel for every 2 week even a month. This online comic is a prequel to something I'm gonna do personally, another comic with a dark superhero in Steam Punk style. This will be in a real comic book form and only will available online for a limited sale. I have to do this way... because I don't have enough fan to sale the book and no money. Hmmm... hopefully! For your info, I'm using English for the comic and my English is bad, feel free to make it right in comment link. Click this link to read the comic:

Akhirnya comic online brader yang sepatutnya muncul pada 15 April 2009 lalu muncul gak! Komik ni akan di update setiap minggu satu panel. Itu je yang brader larat buat. Kalau sibuk gak, 2 minggu satu panel... tengok keadaan la. Komik online gak merupakan prequel untuk satu komik dark superhero bertemakan pendekar dan berkonsepkan Steam punk yang akan brader terbitkan sendiri secara terhad. Maklum le brader tak banyak peminat, dan ianya akan dijual secara online. InsyaAllah komik ni akan menjadi buku pertama brader, sejak brader melukis hampir berbelas tahun... takde satu pun buku koleksi untuk brader jadikan portfolio. Komik online ni gak brader buat sepenuhnya dalam bahasa English. English brader teruk skit jadik sesapa yang sudi perbetulkan sila tinggalkan pesanan kat ruangan komen. Jadik sesapa yang nak layan baca komik brader sila klik link berikut:

Monday, March 23, 2009


I already posted the first teaser early this year in this blog and my gallery Devianart with title 'Comic Teaser'. You can scroll down if not sure which one. Here another teaser with official date. This comic is my first collaboration with Faizalmukhtar, a young creative writer with big ambition and vision in comic, that's why I'm gonna work with him. The comic (title will be confirm later) will be publish online, a panel per week and if I'm not busy with my day job it will be 2 0r 3 panel per week. The panel will be in color, that's mean if I post the panel in black and white... it doesn't mean it stays as black and white forever. So, stay tune for more update and the link.

Ni dia satu lagi iklan teaser comic online terbaru brader ngan Faizalmukhtar dari Manteraworks. Dah lama brader nak buat menda ni... tetapi tak dapat sebab tak menepati konsep di mana brader bekerja. So, ni la caranya brader nak buat komik syok sendiri yang korang tak payah bayar untuk baca atau layan. Kolaborasi brader ngan Faizalmukhtar dah lama brader idamkan sejak dia bersama-sama brader semasa satu opis dulu. Malangnya ianya tak kesampaian. Hah! Cerita apa? Apa yang boleh brader cakap, brader nak wat citer pasal pendekar Melayu tetapi berkonsepkan 'steampunk'. Korang penah tengok citer 'Wiild Wild West' versi Will Smith? Atau tengok citer Afro Samurai? Tak pun citer anime Seven Samurai? Camtu la lebih kurang. Komik ni akan online pada 15 April ni. Brader gak merancang untuk buat soft launching kat mini pekomikon pesta buku nanti. Komik ni bakal di dapati dalam bentuk print tapi tak kompem bila, tapi ada jugak target jual dalam bentuk print (very limited edition-10 copies maybe) masa pesta buku nanti. Masa yang menentukan. Jadik tunggu berita selanjutnya dalam blog ni atau gallery Devianart brader nanti.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Unpublished Naught comic

A four pages comic I did with the story by Nathan Massengill (famous inker for DC comic) early last year. But unfortunately these pages were never use. I colored the pages straight on the pencil with photoshop. Since the pages never published, why not I share the pages here.


Komik pendek pat muka yang brader collaborate ngan Nathan Massengill (inker untuk kebanyakkan DC Comic) awal tahun lepas. Tapi malang ianya tak diterbitkan atas sebeb-sebab tertentu. Brader kaler terus atas pensil, takde ink-inknye. Tapi kalernya brader tak brape puas hati, teruk skit kalernya. Jadi dah tak terbit, brader publish le kat sini. Tapi korang takleh baca le sebab citernya copyright orang.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


(Click on piture to enlarge)

Here are the first episode (6 pages), my new ongoing comic in G3 magazine. 'Apa Yang Ko Cari' or 'The Fighter' as it English title. A very different approach to my comic art. I really like to draw comic in realistic style but due to the magazine concept, I have to make it more cartoon.


6 mukasurat dari episod pertama 'Apa Yang Ko Cari'. Memang berlainan dari apa yang brader minat selama ni, comic serius. Apa pun style ni terpaksa brader buat untuk selari dengan konsep majalah G3 yang menekankan konsep humor atau komedi.

Monday, February 02, 2009


G3 magazine #60 February issue is on market... with my new ongoing comic "Apa Yang Ko Cari' (means 'What Are You Looking For) on page 107. Only available in Malaysia... sorry. I only can upload just a page from six pages. I'll post the rest later. So, for the Malaysian who want to read it, get G3 magazine at book stall now.

G3 bulan Februari isu 60 dah pun kuar. Dalam isu ni bermulalah episod pertama komik baru brader bertajuk 'Apa Yang Ko Cari'. Dah lama brader nak buat citer yang berunsurkan pendekar dengan rentak silat yang bersifat kemelayuan sikit. Tapi kali ni baru dapat peluang... cuma ianya berbentuk humor dan mungkin ada adegan yang tak masuk akal. Walaubagaimanapun adegan pertarungan dalam komik ni memang brader cuba terapkan sesuatu yang berpijak di bumi nyata, takde terbang atau kuasa hebat cam komik Hong Kong tu. Kiranya menampilkan silat Melayu la ni. (Harap maafkan kerana membahasakan diri sebagai brader sebab kalu guna aku cam kasar je. Lagi pun brader dah berumur pun).

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hope not too late to say Happy new year to everybody. Just busy as always... but trying hard to make sure my blog 'alive'. I have done with my ongoing comedy comic series in local humor magazine 'G3' called 'Supermarket'. 13 episodes and no more... for now. It wasn't my best work so far but I learned something new during my 'journey' to finish it. It's over now. My new series will debut in G3 february issue, but still as a comedy or funny action comic. Sorry again for non Malaysian... the magazine is not available outside but don't worry, I'll keep trying to get permission from publisher to post it here or on my Devianart gallery. But of course you can enjoy the teaser page here.

Another new thing I'm gonna do this year to this blog is to add a Malaysian language section. So there are English for foreign visitor and Malaysian for local visitor. So I hope it's fair.

Harap tak terlambat bagi aku untuk ucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009. Dah lama tak update blog... busy memanjang. Untuk tahun baru ni aku mulakan dengan siri terbaru aku kat majalah G3 menggantikan siri Supermarket yang habis dalam G3 isu January 2009. Citer baru ni pun masih mengekalkan konsep yang sama. Citer kelakar, cuma waktu je berbeza iaitu citer pendekar (kartunis Gayour banyak bantu aku untuk reka watak sampingan, teruatamanya watak genster). Episod pertama boleh korang baca dalam G3 isu Februari 2009 nanti.
Satu lagi, untuk blog aku ni... aku akan tambahkan ruangan bahasa Melayu sebagai tambahan bahasa English. Aku buat bahasa English tu sebab banyak komen personal dari luar negeri yang diorang tak paham apa aku tulis. Lagi pun English aku teruk... harap korang jangan la gelak ye.