Thursday, January 25, 2007

Darth Maul quick drawing

Darth Maul-my favourite villain in Star Wars universe. Pencil on A4 paper.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Detailed pencil drawing I did few years ago for a local magazine but it was publish in colour. More shading then line drawing as you can see with Batman drawing. But it was easy to lay digital color because the shading itself can act as the shadow. But I'm happy with black/white. This is among my favourite character that I create myself. His look evil but never jugde by it's cover. Enjoy it!

Dark Knight

AnotherDrawing but in black/white. Supposed to color it but it was to dark and all the linbe line art was gone. By the way... I just finish coloring wolverine piece and will posting here sometime later and you can see step by step coloring process for the piece in my Gallery's link or Deviant art Gallery later.

The first drawing I did on A4 paper and the second on A3 drawing paper with 0.3 mecahnical pencil.

I'm planning to do a illustration by acrillic for Batman base on 50's Batman TV siries starring Adam West. Now I'm looking for the reference for the character.