Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hope not too late to say Happy new year to everybody. Just busy as always... but trying hard to make sure my blog 'alive'. I have done with my ongoing comedy comic series in local humor magazine 'G3' called 'Supermarket'. 13 episodes and no more... for now. It wasn't my best work so far but I learned something new during my 'journey' to finish it. It's over now. My new series will debut in G3 february issue, but still as a comedy or funny action comic. Sorry again for non Malaysian... the magazine is not available outside but don't worry, I'll keep trying to get permission from publisher to post it here or on my Devianart gallery. But of course you can enjoy the teaser page here.

Another new thing I'm gonna do this year to this blog is to add a Malaysian language section. So there are English for foreign visitor and Malaysian for local visitor. So I hope it's fair.

Harap tak terlambat bagi aku untuk ucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009. Dah lama tak update blog... busy memanjang. Untuk tahun baru ni aku mulakan dengan siri terbaru aku kat majalah G3 menggantikan siri Supermarket yang habis dalam G3 isu January 2009. Citer baru ni pun masih mengekalkan konsep yang sama. Citer kelakar, cuma waktu je berbeza iaitu citer pendekar (kartunis Gayour banyak bantu aku untuk reka watak sampingan, teruatamanya watak genster). Episod pertama boleh korang baca dalam G3 isu Februari 2009 nanti.
Satu lagi, untuk blog aku ni... aku akan tambahkan ruangan bahasa Melayu sebagai tambahan bahasa English. Aku buat bahasa English tu sebab banyak komen personal dari luar negeri yang diorang tak paham apa aku tulis. Lagi pun English aku teruk... harap korang jangan la gelak ye.